Death And Dying

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Death and Dying

Death and dying

General statement

The topic is about death of a spouse. The paper discusses the impact of spouse death on other partner's life.

Define purpose

The purpose of this study is to tell other partners who feel bad at their spouse death. The feeling of loneliness, grief and how to overcome it is discussed. This paper will help lonely partners cope up with their loss.

Support by statics

According to U.S Bureau of the Census, 1999, it was calculated that every year about 700,000 women become widow for about an average of 14 years. AARP showed it results that in 1999 there were over four times as many windows (8.4 million) and widowers (1.9 million). National Mental Health Association found out in 2002 that in U.S there are about 800,000 new widows and/or widowers. The U.S Census of 2002 concluded that about 32% of women, aged 55 or above, are widows, and 9% of men aged 55 or older are widower (Reeves, 2005).


It is a great loss for a partner when one's spouse dies. The first feeling is about loneliness, past memories and grief. And the loss of a better half with whom all the sharing and caring was done since years of marriage comes to an end with the death. But the partner should cope with the grief with time to regain oneself in life. Losing a spouse is the most stressful events a person can experience. The closer the marital relationship, the more depressed men and women are after their spouses died. Surviving spouses who are better off economically, as measured by home ownership, are likely to be more depressed than peers who lived in apartments or retirement communities. Women who are highly dependent on their husbands for male-stereotyped tasks such as financial management and home repairs are at higher risk for anxiety as widows. Sudden death is more emotionally distressing to women than to men (Smith, 1991).

Literature review

The partner should not deny the pain and loss and shouldn't be ashamed of it. The deep emotional distress is a normal part of tragic experience of life. The period of mourning will vary with the nature of the relationship with one's spouse or how it was sudden or prolonged the agony. Generally, the more sudden is their loss, the longer is the period of mourning because there was no preparation time. If your spouse dies suddenly from natural causes, it may take two years to recover. However, if it loses in the war, in an accident, murder or suicide, one's grief may last up to three or more years. This is what is known as compounded grief. Most people need the help of a competent minister or a mental health professional to help one cope with the emotional and spiritual causes that special kind of loss. When your spouse is facing a prolonged agony, most of the grief experienced is before his/her death. This is called anticipatory grief (Mabry, ...
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