Depth Of Knowledge

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Depth of Knowledge


Dr. Norman Webb, a specialist in the area of evaluation, along with other professionals described four levels of depth of knowledge (DOK, by its acronym in English). This form of learning classifies the levels of the depth of knowledge, that is capable of making student adapt to the knowledge they learn in depth and this can help sharpen their skills of thought, memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and creativity.

Level I: Thought rote (demonstrates knowledge as equal or nearly equal that have been taught)

Recognizes data and sources of data (information) to memorize.

Performs routine procedures or remember definitions.

Use formulas, procedures or rules identical or similar settings to how it was learned.

Speak what has been memorized, for example, data or steps recited a routine that recalls.

Recognizes useful strategies for remembering and memorize information ((

Level II: Thought of Prosecution (Demonstrates knowledge requires some mental reasoning basic ideas, concepts and skills beyond memory)

Compare and contrast ideas is characteristic of this level.

Extend and apply their knowledge.

Formulate and explain concepts in their own words.

Organize information and ideas.

Gathering evidence and develop logical arguments and valid to support or justify their ideas.

Explains a phenomenon in conceptual terms (

Level III: Strategic Thinking (Demonstrates knowledge based on cognitive demand complex and abstract)

Create, review and analyze graphic organizers to explain and justify relationships between ideas or concepts.

Establish and explain or justify relationships cause and effect, such as: (a) ago predictions, (b) formulate hypotheses and test (C) makes valid inferences and (d) states generalizations from observations.

Extend and apply what you learned to solve non-routine problems or who have not seen before.

Justifies and explains what you know by analysis situations using relevant information coming from various resources to support arguments or to explain concepts (

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