Development Of Data Warehouse

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Development of Data Warehouse

Development of Data Warehouse

1. Why do you think the article authors are calling their system prototype of a Decision Support System?

Yes, the authors are calling their system a prototype of decision support system. It is very important to know about the thoughts and views of the authors because they are thinking regarding the benefits of decision support system. The prototype DSS was developed by using the data warehousing techniques. Moreover, the prototype DSS is also used by the people to select the most beneficial and appropriate residential location for the purpose of housing development in Miramar. It is also a fact that demonstrators and findings of the articles clearly shows that the prototype DSS will help the decision makers in the selection of most appropriate site for residential purpose. The area or land selection criteria in the decision support system can be altered and customized according to the requirement of the users. That is the main reason behind the use of DSS. Thus, there is a chance to extend the selection of land for commercial and residential purpose. There is single limitation that is considered as the major drawback of DSS. The user is not able to add more attributes in the dimension and fact table (Montgomery, Fahey, Peters, MacIntosh & Sharp, 2000).

2. Given the different DSS taxonomies, how would you classify this system prototype?

This system prototype should be classified in different classes for better understanding. There are a number of different taxonomies for decision support system that should be considered in the classification of this prototype. The first taxonomy for DSS was created by Haettenschwiler, and he differentiated this system into active, passive, and cooperative DSS. He described complete and detailed information about each classification. This taxonomy was created by Daniel Power. He divided this system ...