Developmental Case Analysis: On Langston Hughes

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Developmental Case Analysis: On Langston Hughes

Developmental Case Analysis: On Langston Hughes

Subject Description

Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902 in Missouri, his youth was marked by continuous crisscrossing of mid west because of his parents, for a time he lived with his grandmother, at the age of 12 his parents were permanently separated and he traveled with his mother for search of income that can support them both.

Langston completed his elementary school from Illinois; he graduated from Cleveland central high school in 1920. He began writing short stories and poetry in his grammar school, Hughes experienced violence and injustice due to racial prejudice. These kind of experiences resulted in the formation and basis of his work.

During 1919, after high school graduation, Langston went to Mexico, he spent another two years in Mexico, he spent those two years with his father, his father was a prestigious businessman, however relationship ended disastrously among both. As his father was businessman and Hughes was a dreamy poet.

During the era of 1920's Langston traveled to Europe and Africa, In 1925 Hughes went back to United States, he discovered his literary talent, one of his patron helped him at Lincoln University, His career took in 1930, he turned his attention from poetry to prose and he got a versatility standing that was matched by very few. Langston also traveled to Russia, West Indies and Europe, with this kind of extensive travelling he had more experience in his life and improved his writing skills (Rampersad 1986).

Description of personality

I have analyzed some of his poems, which will help in giving an idea about the life of Langston Hughes; his work paints an ugly picture in his poem. Here "the herd of Negroes, Driven to the field" are seen as forgotten people. They are sent out to the cotton field every day, with no recognition of individual self worth or giving them any hope of a better future. He openly speaks that this abuse is due to the laborers' skin color. Hughes' poem is openly angry at the waste that marks the black workers' lives. This abuse had no clear beginning and nor will it have a merciful end.

Langston Hughes, while being less delicate in his style, speaks of evil of the racial attitudes that some people choose to carry on. He is black and he is angry for himself and for the treatment that his race has endured and continues to endure to this day. He speaks of nothing but the mundane life of the workplace, "Year by year goes by, and we are nothing more." The figurative language here gives you the sick feeling of the times of slavery when the black man felt there was no hope for the future (Bernard 2001).

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