Diabetes Type II

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Diabetes Type II

Diabetes Type II

Part No A

Global Health Issue

The issue if global health has been under debate for centuries (Reid. T, 2009). While scientists continue their exponential advancement in the field of medicine with innovations like genome sequencing, applied stem cell research and the discovery of aerosol vaccines. Even after all these developments the departments responsible for basic health services have failed drastically to reach an extensive majority of the population. These numbers could be heart breaking for the ones who doesn't deserve to die. The numbers include a number of pregnant women, infants, and younger children's under the age of 5. All of these deaths occurred in developed countries. Until now we haven't included the numbers of death that have taken place in the third world countries.

Although there have been some remarkable improvements made by the organizations concerned with the health of the people, since the beginning of the 21st century. All these improvements are not available to everyone. The unavailability of the improvements is due to the gap between the rich and poor. The gap of status-quo which needs to be shortened. Along with the gaps that create inequities inside the countries. The inequities between the urban and the rural population, between male and a female, between youth and elder people. Along with all these there are some vulnerable factors that have affected the crises of health very badly, factors like poverty and racial discrimination.

A radical deconstruction is needed, to eliminate these huge differences damaging the humanity. It is needed to be recognized by all states of the world that the issue of global health is a daunting one, which has to be solved at any cost. Countries with ailing health department are suffering with issues like shortage of vaccines and medicines, research, unavailability of skilled staff. Other issue includes new diseases that enter the country without any alarm, lack of interest by the country's bureaucratic infrastructure. All the countries of the world need to recognize the importance of the economics regarding health.

Only then the countries will be able to devise a strategy to tackle all these problems. The issue of Health of people should always be the first and the foremost priority of the government. The government should design policy for health problems and allocate all the resources available. Along with that a sustainable amount of human resources should be grouped to work for the health department of the country. A problem based learning study should be launched between different communities to educate them with the issues of health. These strategies should not only be limited nationally, but should work globally. In case some obscure disease struck the country, it should have providential relations with other countries. So, they can get help from them in such exigent circumstances. All countries should break the barrier of the status-quo and should make the services of health available for all groups of people. It is the right of every individual to live a happy and a healthy ...
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