The Health Planning

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Briefly describe the program's needs assessment. Did the program planners follow all of the steps as outlined in your readings this week? If they did follow the steps, describe what was done at each stage. If the steps were not followed, which steps were deleted, or new ones added? Explain the reasons for these choices.

The Health Planning in America in the 1960s, under the influence of the developmental theory of the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) is the international body that last fold since 1950 a policy of import substitution to the countries of the area, as a condition to overcome the diagnosis of deterioration of terms of trade between central and peripheral countries and the achievement of development. In this context, planning is assigned the role of substitutionary element of streamlining the policy to be operated by the state (Luck, 2005).

The development is initially seen as expanding economic growth, but in 1960, the mere growth is added the goal of redistribution through rational design and implementation of social policies. Thus, the integrated development discourse is the scenario that appears Planning Health , represented by a methodological effort developed by the Centre for Development (CENDES), a body created in Venezuela (next to Central University) and supported by the Pan American Health Organization ( PAHO).


Luk, C. K., Cohn, R., (2005, June). Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation. In Acm Sigplan Notices (Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 190-200). ACM.

Were qualitative or quantitative methods, or both, used in the needs assessment? Was this appropriate? Critique their use of these methods, providing support for your critique.

The method is a systematic approach Programming Resources Health , coupled to a sort of cost-benefit. Include a proposal for prioritization of health damage that tends to favor the damages which have a relatively lower cost per death averted. Therefore, quantitative methods were used in the needs assessment. The basic rationale of the method is that of efficiency, as evidenced by the proposed resource scheduling that is an effort of standardization of economic instruments (or resources) that perform health care activities. This normalizing process aims to increase the activity and simultaneously reduce costs, in the latter case by means of acting on one quantitative composition of instruments or the combination of features that make up the instruments.

The method has several merits, such as the privileges granted by the proposed prioritizing damage prevention, the proposal of an integrated, systemic effect, stimulating the development of cost systems, etc. But it is possible application proved very precarious due to the low power state interference on the sector, dominated largely by private interests.

The processing model problems and solutions, which corresponds to its proposed strategic planning. Supported the theories of the situation, the social production and interactive action, the theory builds a protocol processing problems which assumes 04 moments: explanatory, strategic and tactical-operational regulations. With elements of calculation of scenarios and an instrumental sophisticated strategic analysis, the author proposes a model of creative, flexible and interactive ...
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