Disease Prevalence And Wealth Patterns

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Disease Prevalence and Wealth Patterns

Executive Summary

The paper discusses regarding the correlation disease prevalence and the wealth patterns. Over the centuries, it has been observed that much of the stimuli, but our knowledge has not advanced much regarding the second factor which is human being. The changes among disease in both developed and underdeveloped countries can be classified into the prevention, manifestation, diagnosis, routines examination and management of normal people. Comparatively high healthcare expenditures with lower utilization rates lead many analysts to believe that medical prices in the United States must be significantly higher than in other countries. Others argue that that the underlying cause may be due to differing quality in health care across countries. Health and illness are considered as a complex, dynamic interaction of subjective and objective state of mind of the human condition for both developed and under developed countries. Correlating Disease Prevalence and Wealth Patterns


Diseases are the interaction between the noxious stimuli or stimulus and the human being. Over the centuries, it has been observed that much of the stimuli, but our knowledge has not advanced much regarding the second factor which is human being. The changes among disease in both developed and underdeveloped countries can be classified into the prevention, manifestation, diagnosis, routines examination and management of normal people.

In the wealthiest countries and the transitional countries, health needs are changing in response for lowering the fertility rates, shifting of the burden for illness and longer life expectancies towards chronic injuries and eases (American Nurses Association, 2008). It is Important in the development of the disease, except for the etiological factor (that is the cause of the disease) and external conditions are protective and adaptive mechanisms of the body. Progression of the disease largely depends on the perfection of these mechanisms, the volume and speed of their inclusion in the disease process. The man on the development and course of the disease is greatly influenced by psychogenic factors.

Changing Patterns of Disease and Its Impact on Health Systems

The changes in recent years in morbidity patterns are having a major impact on the health systems for the developed counties that involves the review of health resources which needs to be prevents and control the new demands of patients and users. The medical challenges in the new millennium will be determined by the increase and worsening for the infectious diseases, cancer problems, social disease and social diseases and disorders directly related to the increase in longevity (Harrison, 1997)

The significant advances that have occurred in recent years in basic research that is being developed in the field of medicine have made possible a new approach to classical disorders and new diseases. The mastery of new technologies and the use of new tools for data processing require updating the training continues teaching in medical schools, adapting to new knowledge. The health impacts of the environmental risks are heaviest among vulnerable and poor populations in developing countries. For instance, the poor coastal populations in the developing countries might be among ...
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