Disseminating Organizational It Security And Troubleshooting Best Practices

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Disseminating Organizational IT Security and Troubleshooting Best Practices


This paper describes that how we can improve the security of a company's IT infrastructure after a series of network security breaches. This paper also analyzes the importance of internal communication and medium of communication that can be used to improve the performance of employee. Internal communication is quite important for focusing employees to their duties and to enhance their performance. Moreover, this also describes different scenarios of IT issues and step to troubleshoot these problems.

Disseminating Organizational IT Security and Troubleshooting Best Practices

User Authentication Policies to Improve the Network's Security

Authentication policy may be defined as a set of instructions which may be applied to the authentication process. In most cases, to increase the security of a computer system is not enough of a technological intervention, but you need to create or update organizational policies. The expertise and experience of Data Security at the level of university research acquired by its staff allow you to design effective policy, which at the same time do not weigh the processes and information management in the company (Proctor & Doukakis, 2003).

Policy planning is a complex task that concerns the definition of safety procedures, regulations and guidelines that companies or public bodies adopt to regulate its internal use of business tools and procedures of the various business functions. There are General Policy, that is addressed to all staff, and dedicated to specific Policy adjust specific areas of the company or a small number of people. The drafting of these regulations must of course agree with the law, special attention should be paid in this regard to compliance with the legislation in the field of labor law, regulations and privacy laws penalizing offenses (Garcia-Morales et.al, 2011). All public and private organizations should obtain appropriate policy for the protection of information security: if it is true, in fact, that attention to cyber risks in the company is more often than not turned outwards against hackers and viruses, there is compelling evidence that the major economic damage and loss of reputation arising more often from carelessness or human error in the company's internal staff.

There are a number of authentication policies are available which can be implement in order to improve the network security, but two of these policies which I will refer to implement are,

Single-Factor Authentication

This is a conventional security process needs a user name as well as password before accessing the user. Single-Factor Authentication security based on the diligence of the user who ought to take safety measures, such as creating a password which is strong and ensuring that no one can right to use it.

Password Security

If user authentication is run by the database, and then security heads may develop a secret key or password security approach to administer database access security. As, database clients ought to be obliged to change their passwords at consistent interims, and obviously, when their passwords are disclosed to others they compel a client to change passwords in such scenarios, ...