Does Frequency Of Church Attendance Impact Beliefs Of Global Warming?

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Does frequency of church attendance impact beliefs of global warming?

Does frequency of church attendance impact beliefs of global warming?


The attendance in the churches today, is mostly because of the funerals and wedding ceremonies and that has started the global warming according to many people's perception. It looks illogical to someone initially but the facts are very to it that deaths and wedding ceremonies are the most increasing times in the church and the global warming has increased with such events. This is a serious social problem that has affected the European regions badly and the thinkers are looking forward to improve it on high priorities.

The most important thing is that today this has not only become the perception of the people but the people has now started to believe it. This can be seen that people usually wear air masks at the funeral places besides the church and also the wedding ceremonies are carefully attended to save themselves from the global warming. This could be one of the reasons that people have now become very conscious of attending such events and with the passage of time their numbers are decreasing with an increasing rate.

The Hypothesis (Importance and validity)

Assuming the null hypothesis for the analysis that there are no impacts of church attendance on the global warming following the alternate the alternate hypothesis that there is some impact of the church attendance. The importance of the hypothesis can be retrieved from the questionnaire data that the people replied this question along with relevant questions which shows that the importance of the question and similarly the validity can be seen through two ways i.e. one is the statistical significance which would be explained later and other is the continuity and complete response of the respondents which also proves it validity.

Data and methodological review

The data for the study was obtained through a questionnaire review with a sample of 2000 respondents about their political and general views on the society. The data was qualitative in most of the questions and also likert scale was used to force the respondents to give valid and complete answers according to the questions. There are also attitudinal forced questions which helps the analyst to describe the questions carefully covering a complete range of answers. It has also been seen that the nominal scales are used in social sciences research because scaled variables cannot be used for it.

There are different statistical tools used for the research analysis i.e. correlation, multiple regression and t-test significance etc. There are some basic description about the methodology of such tools are defined under.

T test for independent samples

In this section we will see how to test the null hypothesis from two means from two samples (or subgroups) independent. We will actually judge whether two means are equal in population-Based on the result of the comparison between these two samples. The technique used is called t-test for independent samples (Independent sample t test).

This technique is used to compare two groups, created by a categorical ...