Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

Chapter I- Introduction


The term “Domestic Violence” is the denotation of actual and real traits of the uproar. It is an explicit denotation of ferocity which takes place within the family, between dominant person and unfortunate victim in several ways. On the other hand, the actual problem exists in the factors that are pivotal role players in ignition of fire within the offender to pursue and involve in a violent behavior. Either the wrongdoer works hard to channel and give expressions of his anger that he has for someone, to those with whom the offender can easily exert his frustration, or the wrongdoer wants to maintain his dominance over others and he has a psychological desire to subject the victim to acknowledge him and have fear for him (Pinn & Chunko, 1997).

As per the World Health Organization domestic violence is a broad phenomenon, which is concerned with each kind of psychological, sexual and physical abuse. Many types of coercive attitude for the control of person of family with emotions are also related to domestic violence. Domestic Violence is commonly prevalent in every society and each day a large number of women have to go through rigorous and harsh domestic violence. The cause why this issue has been granted a wide and distinguishing class is that this is not a onetime offence; the domestic violence in the community is pointed to a number of occurrences of rage from the dominant person or intimate relationship. Most significantly, the sufferers of domestic violence are not exact in every case. There are number of cases in which the sufferers are girlfriends, daughters and wives. Considerably the results of violent behavior are more depressing and sorrowful as compared to other natural incidents, since the results are more likely to accompany an individual for a prolong time in the life (Ragin, 2002).

The consequences of domestic violence are the mental and physical health issues in victim. These issues include injuries, memory loss and concentration issues, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and traumas. In our society, women have to go through domestic violence, either their father, brother or after marriage their partners become their masters and they are treated as slaves. Several researches are there which shows high rate of domestic violence in minorities. Women are the victims in most of the murder cases within families. In US few 4% of wives are abused by their husbands and around d 12% of them face lighter domestic violence. In United States, the ministry of justice shows that in the year 2007, 70% of the victims of domestic violence were women who were murdered by their husbands. During 1993-2007, the number of women killed was raised from 1640 to 2200 (Pinn, Chunko, 1997).

Research Problem

Minority women have to face more domestic violence as compared to women in white community. These societies have several social issues that lead to domestic violence more.

Research Objective

This main objective of this research is to find out the extent to which domestic violence is prevalent in ...
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