Drug Interdiction Policy And Hallucinogens

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Drug Interdiction Policy and Hallucinogens

Drug interdiction policy and hallucinogens


The term Drug interdiction means that illegal drugs are being supplied or smuggled by air trade, sea trade or land trade. Buying and selling of illegal drugs are prohibited by the country laws and also in religion. Hallucinogenic are drugs which are also called as Psychedelics. These drugs affect on the senses of person's thinking and sense of emotions. The role of these drugs is to simply make a person fantasize and visualize those hearings and seeing which are not real in the world. Hallucinogens have many kinds, in which some crop up naturally, seeds, leaves, fungi, and in trees. Others are intentionally made in laboratories for the medical purposes, but it is being used for unethical means as well. The examples of some hallucinogens are: PCP (phencyclidine), ketamine, morning glory seeds, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), datura, magic mushrooms (psilocybin) and mescaline (peyote cactus) (Aghajanian & Marek, 1999). Many countries have made their policies for controlling drug interdiction, in order to save the lives of people.


In most of the meanings, Hallucinogen is being wrongly said that these drugs also create hallucination in the typical doses. The sensitivity of Hallucinations appears entirely realistic but has no basis in reality. There are few drugs like atropine and diphenhydramine can cause hallucinations in the accurate sense. Drugs like Dissociatives, Psychedelics and Deliriants have the long history being used in religious and medicinal traditions in world. These drugs are used in spiritual practices (shamanic) for divination, healing, initiation of income and in religious practices of syncretistic movements such as Native American Church, Santo Daime, and União do Vegetal. In the religious practice, substances like tobacco and psychedelic drugs are referred as Entheogens. In primitive times, Entheogens were used in various ancient cultures which include Ancient Egyptian, Vedic, Inca, Mycenaean, Aztec and Ancient Greek cultures. It is researched that Shamans consume hallucinogenic drugs to enter in the dream. At once they get the entry; they can communicate about the patient's illness with the spirit world. It is believed by Aguaruna of Peru that most of the sicknesses are caused by darts of necromancers.Therefore, they have a hallucinogenic drink in order to remove or discover the darts from the sick patient (www.drugabuse.gov). the users of LSD swifty develop the high level of patience for the effects of drugs (Abraham, Aldridge & Gogia, 1996).

Even in few countries and on some special reservations, drugs like peyote are described as a part of famous religious ceremony and called legal at that time. For example, in Canada, a recreational drug; Mescaline is marked as illegal by Controlled Drugs and Substances Acts under schedule III, but Peyote has given the leverage and legally obtainable in Canada. At the time in mid 20th century, Psychedelic drugs have the wide attention in the Western globe. These drugs have been discovered as a potential therapeutic mediator in dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder, alcoholism, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cluster headaches and opiate addiction and other ...