EC410A-11.05EC410A-11.05 EC410A-11.05Part 1ModelDataUtilization = U = PB = ConstantLet,P = 3 B = 4Therefore,U = 3 x 4 = 12If,P = 4B = 3Then, U = 4 x 3 = 12Therefore, Maximum Value of P is 12U = 12 x 1 = 12Or,U = PFor Optimal Level of Raw Berries,Number of Pies = Number of Berries Available - Number of Berries ConsumedP = T - BTherefore, U = B ( T - B )Either,U = B; which, is not possible because it is the maximum amount. Or,U = T - BEmpiricsRussell made two assumptions, the first one is that, income is ...