Effect Of Ceo Gender On The Performance Of The Organization

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Effect of CEO Gender on the Performance of the Organization


Section 1: Introduction3

Section 2: Literature Review5

Section 3: Methodology12

Research Methods12

Justification of the Research Methods14

Section 4: Results and Findings16

Section 5: Conclusion35



Effect of CEO Gender on the Performance of the Organization

Section 1: Introduction

Today the business world has changed and has accepted the changes taking place in the business environment. Each individual is playing its role in enabling their organizations to achieve their goals and objectives. Many years ago women were not treated equal to men and thus they were not offered jobs at the upper level of the management. They were offered jobs such as nursing, sectary, clerk and other low level jobs. Over the years trends have changed and now the business world have accepted the abilities, skills and value of the customers thus today women are given their responsibilities on the basis of their qualification and experience rather than on the basis of their gender.

All the organizations working in the business world have a huge gender diversity that has enabled these organizations to become successful. Gender diversity has a direct impact on the performance of the organization. Therefore the study will be conducted to find out the relation between the performances of the organization and the gender of the CEO. CEO is the center of the organization that require a wide variety of skills and experiences in order to respond to the changes occurring in the business environment and take decisions for the betterment of the organization. Trends in the business environment are changing and now females are taking over the position of CEO more in many organizations in the world. There are certain characteristics due to which shareholders and other stakeholders of an organization are in the favor of hiring female CEO's. There are several reasons for the change in the choices of the stakeholders and other members of the organization.

The study was conducted by analyzing the following hypothesis:

H0; Effect of CEO gender on the performance of the organization;

H1; CEO gender does not have any effect on the performance of the organization. In order to accept or reject the above stated hypothesis the researchers need to collect

Thus the research was conducted to find out the impact of CEO genders on the performance of the organization. Different sources of information collection will be used to collect the data that was able to find out the answers for the following research questions:

How is the gender having an impact on the market orientation and on the profitability of the organization?

Does gender of CEO's changes the way of leadership?

Which gender either male or female has the greatest effect on the profitability and other outcomes of the organization?

In today's business world either male CEO's are more successful or the female CEO's?

What is the difference in the leadership style of females or male CEO's?

Is there difference between the salary structure of males and females working as CEO in an organization?

Has the choice of shareholders and other stakeholders changed in choosing the CEO of an ...