Energy Politics

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[Energy Politics]


Table of Contents


Background of the Research1

Problem Statement1

Research Aim1

Research Objectives2

Significance of the Study2

Research Ethics3

Limitations of the Study3


Energy: An introduction4

Current Situation of Energy Resources: Oil & Natural Gas4

Foreign Policy of countries in the light of energy resources6

Impact of Foreign Policy on energy politics6


Research Design7

Research Ethics7

Literature selection criteria7

Search technique8

Keywords used8

Theoretical framework8

Research instruments8



Background of the Research

Energy, alongside Food, Pharma and Technology, is amongst the four most highly competitive and the biggest industries to have existed on Earth, with revenues of more than $4 trillion. These four industries contribute towards the most important changes that prevail in the world today.

Energy, to put into discussion, implies forces and resources, which are responsible and become the driving forces for the industrial progress and escalations that have come to us. However, with the global community and the countries fighting the kind of aggression, which individuals tend to take up in terms of having power, politics tends to take major toll. Politics is generally associated with the realms of power and the kind of control and command that countries may receive with the development of the progress.

With companies, organizations and entire nations now competing, or even collaborating, towards gaining maximum energy resources, it becomes relatively difficult for countries to create an established representation for themselves and associate them with giants of energy and ultimately receive power.

Problem Statement

The problem statement undertaken for this research is “Impact of energy politics towards influencing modern foreign policy”.

Research Aim

Our basic aim of undertaking this research shall be to understand and analyze how does the energy politics and changing dynamics of the kind of politics prevails in the country tends to make way for changing the foreign policies being practiced today in different countries around the world.

Research Objectives

With research aim now crafted and identified, the research aim shall further trickle down into different objectives, which will help us understand our topic of research from different angles. In the case of energy politics, the research objectives are:

What is the current situation of energy in the world today?

What is the current situation of oil and natural gas in the world today?

How has the world evolved to become oil and natural gas communities?

What driving forces are responsible for the changing dynamics of the world economy?

How does energy and energy resources tend to influence framing and crafting of foreign policy?

Significance of the Study

With the undertaking of this research study, it will give us a focused, concentrated scope and up-to-date knowledge and information in terms of the changing trends that are occurring in the energy sector and that how countries, together as a global community, are now responding towards the changes and outcomes happening in the energy sector.

In addition to the above, it will also help us understand and make relevant forecasts that individuals could actually make in order to track the future changes, which may occur in the consumption of energy resources, particularly oil and natural gas.

Research Ethics

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