Entomology Review

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Entomology review

Entomology review

Question 1

Insect life in the forest due to the diverse and often very complex and sometimes contradictory relationships with other organisms and to each other. The existence of each insect species is primarily determined by the metabolism, during which the body expends energy continuously and therefore compelled to make up for it. Restores energy is connected with the process of nutrition (Borror, Triplehorn & Johnson, 1989). The food has an impact on all life processes of insects and is a major biotic factor.The animal kingdom comprises more than 1,200,000 species of living beings, and 96.6% are invertebrates (970,000 species belong to the Arthropod Branch) and 3.4% vertebrates.

The superclass Hexapoda is formed by more than 99.5% by class Insecta. Approximately 950,000 species of insects are known, or represent 75% of animals (25% are beetles). It is the largest group of animals that inhabit the land. Can be useful as bees and silkworm silk (pollinators) and how harmful phytophagous and disease vectors to humans (Thiele, 1977). Fossils show that insects have emerged over 380 million years (Period Carboniferous). Adapted so that the man (who came up to 1 million years), with all his intelligence failed to exterminate them, a fight from the first crop. In this endless war, man evolved enough, learning to know the enemy, their characteristics, habits, behavior, and economic order and rational means protecting their allies (the natural enemies of pests). To control pests or diseases in any culture, there must be a reason economic order. Every farmer has his farming as a business and not as a work philanthropic. Thus everything that affects crop productivity is a concern for part of the farmers who come sometimes to exaggeration, taking measures uneconomical aimed at solving the problem, but with this, harming the environment and contaminating food (Brain, 1983).

While it is common knowledge that plants need leaves for a good production, this concept should be studied for each plant species and its second phase growth. In the initial phase of the development, performance or matter production Drought is low due to the small amount of leaf area index, growing as the foliage increases in volume due to increased utilization of light. However, with the increase shading, the rate of assimilation apparent decreases (gain product photosynthesis). Thus one should take into consideration what you want to explore a culture. In terms of plant mass as tobacco, vegetables or yerba mate, the greater the leaf area, the better. As for the production of flowers, fruits or roots, one must search the ideal relationship between leaf area and yield, i.e., meet the minimum that allows leaves maximum production of fruits or roots (tubers). The plants produce more flowers and fruits to guarantee the survival of the species. Thus, it is assumed that the normal loss the plant suffers can be consumed by the plague, because in that case there would be no prejudice to the farmer. Unfortunately pests are not limited to consume what is not used; motif whereby, problems ...