Epa And Carbon Control

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EPA and carbon control

EPA and carbon control

Fossil fuels such as methane, gasoline and propane contain mostly carbon. Carbon dioxide is produced when these fuels are burnt as in this process carbon from these fuels reacts with the oxygen. So the link proposed by the Vice President Gore that carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming is very much true. Because the use of heavy amount of fossil oil around the globe, since the industrial revolution has been increasing the quantity of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. More over the mass destruction of forests is also causing the increase in carbon dioxide.

Light energy emitted by the sun is emitted in wavelengths smaller than 4,000 nanometers. The heat energy emitted from the earth is released in wavelengths larger than 4,000 nanometers. Energy from the sun is not absorbed by carbon dioxide, but it does absorb some of the heat energy reflected by the earth from the sun. A molecule of carbon dioxide goes into an excited unstable state when it absorbs heat energy. Some of the energy goes in to the space and some of it is absorbed back by the earth.

So in result, carbon dioxide lets the heat from the light energy in, but will not let all of the heat energy out. This is how Carbon Dioxide can create a barrier around the globe in the Troposphere, Stratosphere or Mesosphere or simply atmosphere and doesn't let the heat energy to go out.

The vast expense of air that covers the earth all round is the atmosphere, which is detained to the earth by the gravitational force by earth. Atmosphere is the combination of different gases and its composition varies as one goes in upward direction. Ozone though found in little amount in atmosphere. But it plays an important role by absorbing the ultra violet rays from the sun. Similarly, all types of precipitation require water vapors. Condensation nuclei for condensation is provided by the dust and other particulate materials the heavier gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen have their maximum concentration near the earth's surface as far as the lighter gases like hydrogen and helium posses higher proportion at greater heights. All these gases and particles make the, Troposphere, Stratosphere or Mesosphere heavy to hang in them. I believe that wiki leaks creates a hoax on global warming as there are thousands scientists all over the world and ever one has the same theory and belief on global warming that it does exist and carbon dioxide is one of the major factor behind global warming.

For businesses climate issues are becoming a greater concern. In order to manage their exposure to climate risks and getting to know the growth opportunities through creating and managing a strategic carbon management plan, many companies are seeking a way through it. It is often not easy to settle on how to priorities actions and to assess which approach provides the best financial and environmental outcomes.

Now coming towards the Carbon dioxide production, with EPA's P2 ...