Essay: ” Commercial Society Produces Peaceful Societies”

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Essay: ” Commercial Society Produces Peaceful Societies”

Essay: ” Commercial Society Produces Peaceful Societies”


Smith's “commercial society” assumes that a person focusing on his or her own needs contributes to the collective good of the public and thus, must be cultivated. Smith uses “commercial society”, instead of the word “capitalism”. A phrase that explains that economic is just a particular concept of the condition of a human. As he believes that the moral condition of a person is the final measure of his or her humanity. Given the level of importance Smith has given to the moral strength of a person, it becomes necessary to investigate his beliefs on effects of a commercial society. The question arises that if he were to be asked that if a commercial society produces peaceful societies, how would have he responded? From his works on philosophy and social/political economy, it is evident that he would not agree to the statement.

Commercial Society and Peaceful Societies

The individual lives of people do not, primarily, revolve around the collective good of the society. In fact, they are much concerned about their personal betterment. However, Smith argues that a person doing best for him or her self is more likely to contribute to the collective good of the society, than he or she could have done by intention. He further argues that people living in a commercial society are more likely to live more virtuous lives than others.

The increased morality and autonomy of people living in such a society is much increased than ever before, and they will contribute their full to improve their lives. Through his argumentative power, Smith proposes his powerful beliefs of how such decency can be attained while striving for keeping the path of moral greatness. The possibility can not be overlooked that people thriving for, as defined be Smith, “the great objects of ambition and emulation” may deviate them from the moral path, but their strong intention to perform for themselves will keep them on track.

Smith does not deny the fact that a major chunk of humans are worshippers and admirers of wealth and greatness. In the same place, he argues that despite having two ways to attain the desirable state, the delicacy of ostentatious avidity and proud ambition helps majority to chose the right way.

Although, Smith's concept of tranquility contradicts with the attitude of a person in a commercial society, the true ...