Ethics And Academic Integrity

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Ethics and Academic Integrity

Ethics and Academic Integrity

A letter to my Students

[Association of the professor]


Dear Students,

Since, it is the beginning of the semester; therefore, I want to share some important things with all of you regarding ethics and academic integrity.

The ethical code of conduct can be ideally defined as the spiritual and the ideological foundation of a given human society. This concept helps the individuals comprehend their fellow human beings and the surrounding environment and then use this information to take the adequate decisions. The success of any human society has been attributed to the overall ideological and ethical beliefs, as they contribute in the development of the majority of the societal norms and the rules. In the same way the prospects of ethics and academic integrity are deeply rooted in the educational system. A teacher is the one who provides education to the children. Teaching is not an easy occupation and it requires the adherence of several rules and regulations. In fact it is something more than simply an occupation. The teachers hold several responsibilities because they are the ones who develop the personality and concept of the children. At undergraduate level of students, the teacher might not be as easy as the one teaching to middle classes or junior class. Prospective teachers should educate the students with the best possible knowledge they have got. The honesty in the teaching and learning is a must requirement. For this reason, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of both teachers and students. As a teacher, I will follow all the guidelines and rules of teaching that comes under my ethical responsibility.

I agree that the teachers should create an interactive session in the class in order to make students motivated towards studies and education. The teachers must also provide the lessons of good ...