Ethnographic Study

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Ethnographic Study

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Ethnographic Study


Ethnography is the science of anthropology whose object is the descriptive and analytical study, the field of manners and customs of distinct populations. This study got once confined to people then say “primitive”. However, and particularly since the movement of independence of colonized countries, Western ethnography turned increasingly on its particular companies and social groups. Ethnography can thus be conducted on populations whose origins are very close to the researcher, which raised new issues of observation. It may be broad social group (the Parisian bourgeoisie) or users of an institution, a group of young, homeless, travellers, and public transport (Babiss, 2004). The possibilities are as endless field in "exotic". The word, composed of the prefix “ethno” derived from the Greek, properly “any class of beings of origin or common condition,” and the suffix “graphy”, literally means description of the people. The term appeared for the first time in 1607.

It was mentioned to describe collection edited. In 1839 is based in Paris, an ethnological society. As set out above do not differ only by the names of science, but also because they deal with different phenomena under study: either the man or society or the people or cultural. Ethnology and ethnography are two distinct approaches that have been thought of as successive moments. Anthropology would be a meta-analysis of comparative dimension between different companies ethnographies (on a specific theme, however).

Conceptual Research Ethnographic

Ethnography is a systematic approach to a social situation, regarded as a whole in its own innate context. The basic purpose and starting point guidance throughout this research process is understanding empathy of the phenomenon under study. Ethnography is interested in what people do, how behaves, how it interacts, is to discover their beliefs, values, motivations etc.

Ethnography in Educational setting

The focus to understand from an anthropological point of view is the implications of socio-cultural relevance of a program of early education in child development within a rural community. Ethnography focuses on exploring the daily events in school providing descriptive data about the media and contexts of the participants involved in education and so discover patterns of social relations dynamics as those occurring in the educational context. The ethnographer's interest's focus on the interactions occurs in educational settings that produce the interactions, values, activities and expectations participants (Fetterman, 2010). Educational ethnography begins in research did not take into account the experience of participants, and cultural dimensions and are contextualized in social work school.

In this sense, to establish the relationship between people, their history and traditions, attitudes and conceptions about children and preschool education, ethnography is closer to the study of the processes study of reality. The research focuses on some subjects in particular, can be the analysis and understanding of different educational settings, multicultural socialization students and teachers at school case study on new teachers; on these studies, an analysis that focuses on changes, developments and processes.

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