Eu-Us Relationship

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EU-US Relations: Allies or Rivals?


European Union and United States are the two leading regions throughout the world. These two sectors also have common goals and tasks that they want to achieve including safety and security, domestic development, promoting trade, etc, for their respective regions. Due to these common goals related to security of their regions and after understanding the importance of unity in the world these two decided to make an alien. To make align successful, there is a lot of step taken by both sides like removing tax for trade between them, granting aid, etc.

To achieve the goal of ensuring security in the European region as well as American region, a positive step has been taken by these two aligns of formation of NATO. The missions and task defined to NATO are that it has to ensure security of these two regions as well as the security of the other countries of the world that require help for ensuring the security. NATO is proved very helpful in achieving the goal of security for them.

Instead of making an international organization like NATO, these two regions are not so successful in achieving and ensuring global security. This is due to achieving tasks with wrong route. These aligns try to achieve this goal through the use of the army and force which is not a good option in many cases like this. If they used communication as a method, then they can achieve their goal of maintaining peace easily without violating peace of others.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents2


Basic Concept of security for European Union and America3

Background of US-EU relationship4

Cooperation level between US and EU5


Peace and stability6



Process of ensuring security in two allied regions7

Are they allies for security point of view?8

Formation of NATO8


Are they Rivals for security point of view?9

Recent thread that may create the difference between EU and US10




EU-US Relations: Allies or Rivals?


The United States and the European Union enjoys so close relationship between them. Regular discussion and consultation have been taken placed between these two allies at the level or government. At the level of society, dialogues and contacts between them are very appreciated by a large number of groups, individuals and associations. In the world, the EU and the US is considered as most closed connected economic regions. According to Lieber, American and European regions can only succeeded in trade if they help each other as both are big traders of world (Lieber, 1997, P 74).

For the point of security, both of them are also allies of each other, but there are also some factors present that are the reason of some conflicts between US and EU. The issues like global security are common threat for both the regions and they try to tackle this issue through developing cooperation between these two regions. To ensure this task of ensuring security, many steps have been taken by governments and leaders of these two regions like formation of National Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which works to ensure global peace by identifying and ...
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