Evaluate The Practicality Of Biometrics

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Evaluate the Practicality of Biometrics


The research aims at investigating the role of biometrics in USA. Moreover the characteristics involved in the identification of bio metrics, the evaluation of practicality of bio metrics is catered in this research. However the drawbacks and limitations are identified in this research and the advantages and disadvantages explores the applicability of bio metrics in the current scenario in the United States.


The biometrics technology is beings used for the identification of the body parts as there is no similarity exists between the body parts of the person. The identification of fingers, hands, feet, faces and so on so fourth. There is the identification system in the bio metrics (Laguna, pp.1). The biometrics identification caters several parts that are highly important in the current scenario in USA. There are security and privacy issues in the bio metrics. The practically of biometrics is depicted thought the matching of the finger prints, face modification and hand geometry.

Biometric Characteristics

There are certain characteristics of bio metrics that need to be catered in the United States as there are certain characteristics of bio metric they are face modifications, hand geometry, Iris, Retina, finger print. In this regard there is no optimal point in the bio metrics as it varies from individual to individual. The characteristics of bio metrics is depicted via graphical presentation.

Source: Uludag, U - pp.949

Table illustrates that there are certain characteristics that are gathered for the bio metrics there characteristics differs from each another and there is a deviation in theses characteristics that is incorporated in the figure. The issue regarding these characteristics ascertains the privacy and confidentiality issue that is centre of attention in the United States. There are several characteristics of bio metrics that need to be ascertain through the research as to evaluate the practicality of bio metrics in the current scenario in United States.

Evaluate the Practicality of Biometrics

The practicality of biometrics caters the deviation in the characteristics of biometrics that are ascertain through the researches as this paper focuses on the operations, drawbacks and limitations and the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics in the current scenario in United States is depicted as the discussion proceeds.

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The criteria for the location is set as the bio metrics had a great influence upon the citizens (Uludag, pp.949). The checking though the bio metrics is catered all ...