Evidence Based Tools For Post Partum Depression

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Evidence Based Tools for Post Partum Depression

Evidence Based Tools for Post Partum Depression


With increasing popularity of evidence based knowledge and screening tools, it is becomes important for the field of nursing and medicine to gradually move away from the tendency of depending upon cares reports or opinions of medical experts. Evidence based study of post partum depression has also proven to be very effective and useful in dealing with the negative effect and fighting against the problem. According to a recent report that was published by NCBI, the four important aspect that must be analyzed when studying post partum depression are risk factors of developing PPD, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and the effect of PPD on mother child relationship as well as child development. PPD is an important health related issue that affects as many as 13 percent of females within the first year after the delivery (Stewart et.al, 2004).


Post partum depression is one of the most common problems that occur to majority of the female during their child bearing age and poses great risks to the health of women in every country. Timely detection and preventions of PPD is necessary as it may have adverse effects on the family, marital relationship and children. It is a serious health issue of women and cannot be ignored. A sample of 1573 women was selected to test the prevalence of post traumatic stress in females after pregnancy and tools of posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale-Self Report (PSS-SR), Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS), and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2)Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS) were used. The results showed that 9 percent women tested positive while 18 percent were above the cutoff point which proved the presence of stress after labor and delivery.

Evidence based Screening Tools of PPD

It is extremely important that evidence based screening tools must be used for dealing with and treatment of PPD. The tool that is selected must be easy to use with quick results and responses to the condition of the patient. It must be give specific results and must be sensitive enough to take account of all the important emotional aspects of the patient. additionally, it must be easy to interpret the result so that it can easily employed in the practical work settings. It must take into account the cultural background of the patient and present him with cost effective plan and policies.

The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

This tools was developed by Michigan Families Medicaid Project which was developed to analyze and make assessment of different multiple risk factors especially depression. It has been reported that depression is directly and positively related to the development of children and infants. Depression may result in poor child growth and smoking or usage of illegal drugs. This screening method is comprehensive enough to cover people belonging to different cultural and ethnic backgrounds including physical, behavioral and psychosocial factors. The aim of this tool is to focus on the most important risk factors that affect the patient and serve as a launch ...
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