Evolution Of Man And It Relation To Bigfoot

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Evolution of man and it relation to Bigfoot

Evolution of man and it relation to Bigfoot


Bigfoot is a creature measuring about three meters, bipedal, and weighs 150 pounds. It is hairy and does not belong to any known species. It was reported for the first time in public in Nepal in 1832 by a British resident, then this is Eric Shipton in 1951 published a series of photographic prints measuring 40 cm long and 23 cm wide. They were taken in the Himalayas of Gauri Sankar. Some scientists claimed that it was a normal footprint distorted by the melting snow, without explaining why an individual at that altitude would walk barefoot.


It sounds like an incredible claim, but first we should take a look at this commonly cited misinterpretation of the theory of evolution.  According to evolution, first there were microbes which clung together into cells and made more complex creatures as more cells worked in cohesion.  Over millions of years these cells then became even larger collections of cells competing with others for supremacy, resources, and breeding.  Eventually the cells became so complex that they formed an apelike ancestor to today's apes and human beings.  Human beings did not evolve from apes and gorillas, but rather branched off and became different from a common ancestor that would eventually become ape and human respectively. (Byrne, P. 1975)Ultimately the human race would be as it is today just as gorillas, monkeys, dogs, cats, fish, plants, and microbes.  And their interactions with one another would result in a more complex ecosystem whereby the cells would continue to compete and interact in the form of complex beings. The film has 9 feet of film and Patterson filmed at a distance of 120 meters from the creature. The life of man during the Paleolithic was difficult. Like all creatures of prehistory, early man had to face dangers that lurked at every turn and climate change that threatened their survival as a species. To make matters worse, the human being has never been found adequately adapted to live in any environment because their bodily defenses are generally lower than those with most of the animals. Man does not have a fur coat like the polar bear, to conserve body heat in a cold environment. (Chiarelli, A. B. 1973) Your body is not specially adapted for flight, self-defense or hunting. It does not have a color to protect ...
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