Examining Violence In The African American Community: Culture, Conditions And Conflict Resolution Theories

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Examining Violence in the African American Community: Culture, Conditions and Conflict Resolution Theories


Statement Of The Topic

Violence is termed as a major endemic and a fast growing concern for the administration of the United States also. Also repeated studies have shown that violence is more common in the African-Americans than any other race. They are at a significantly higher health risk than any other race or ethnic group. This particular racial group has always been associated with violence-related crimes. However, what leads to such repetitive group behaviour needs to be properly studied. The historical basis for such a situation needs to be carefully reviewed. Also what social factors lead to such a horrifying situation need to be taken into account.

Today African-Americans represent 12.7% of the U.S. population. The middle class is an important part of this community: in 1996, over 44% of black Americans carry a skilled work, 23% of 18-24 years studying in a university. However the average income is still below that of whites and the problem of ghettos is still relevant (Avruch 2008).

What exactly leads to such an undesirable state needs to be properly discussed. The only reformatory steps could be taken to combat with the problem. The blacks were marginalized in the past and were the victims of many social injustices. This led to a feeling of isolation and lack of education subsequently leading to poverty and then later crimes. Poverty has been transferred from one generation to another. This has led to the formation of a social class that is under-privileged and under-represented. This gave birth to resentment among the masses against the administration and they stopped trusting the government for their lives, security and development (Avruch 2008).

The blacks have become a social under-class that felt that they had no hope and they were subjects of continuous subjugation. They feel that a certain philosophy defines the way they are subjugated. This xenophobic tendency towards the black stems out of years of perpetrated hatred against them. Also how the society perceives them shaped their own perceptions about self. They grow without fathers, or with bad role models as fathers, and are brought up in slums where they cannot enjoy the facilities that children need. They are made to believe that crime or drugs are the only way they can make a living. Also constant harassment from the law enforcing agencies also makes them feel targeted or devastated to the point that there is no rehabilitation for them.

This leads to a highly problematic scenario posing dangers for a big section of the society. The African-Americans can play a big role in America's growth and progress if they are given opportunities to come out of the vicious circle of crimes. The need is to find out solutions that have a positive impact in the long run. Imprisonment only addresses the issue in the short term and also makes the state bear unnecessary monetary expenditure, that could be better utilised for other reformatory programs. It is high time that the state ...
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