Filippo Brunelleschi

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Filippo Brunelleschi

Filippo Brunelleschi was an Italian architect and sculptor of the early Renaissance. He made a decisive contribution to the discovery of central perspective also set new standards in architecture.

Filippo Brunelleschi was born in 1377 in Florence and died in the same city in 1446. Like many other artists of the Renaissance, Filippo Brunelleschi was lucky enough to receive inclusive education in his youth, which provided the conceptual background for his subsequent work. His father was a respected lawyer and gave his son an artistic career. After training as a goldsmith and sculptor, he discovered architecture as his preferred area of interest. He became an architect, without ever being a member of his site office. The medieval builders were trained craftsmanship especially the aesthetic component was missing in their work. Brunelleschi gave the concept of arts in architecture.

The time of Filippo Brunelleschi was a ripe for change. The emerging interest in the ancient world flowed through all areas of life and art, in addition to the literature occupied, a significant pioneering role. Brunelleschi traveled as a young man with his friend the sculptor Donatello to Rome to study the extensive Roman ruins. They establish practical insights in relation to the extant theoretical writings. Especially Vitruvius played a significant role in the architectural studies his work "De Architektura" was verily the only thesis from ancient times. At the end of the arduous process, Brunelleschi had captured after many years, the traits of ancient architecture very well and was ready to make to impact.

The first contract as an architect to Brunelleschi was the "Ospedale degli Innocenti" (1419-1445). It was the first Florentine building, which was equipped with the ancient order of columns and capitals. In the same year, the order followed by the most important architectural works of Brunelleschi, when he won a ...
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