Final Exam Essay For Earth Science

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Final Exam Essay for Earth Science

Final Exam Essay for Earth Science

Answer No. 1

Water is formed of two atoms that are hydrogen and oxygen. It is considered as the most essential component for human life and for the existence of this world. The planet earth is comprised of three fourth part of water. The presence of water is also available in the atmosphere around us and in the lower most part of crust. The movement of water can be explained by the hydrologic cycle. This cycle explains the transformation of water surrounding our natural environment. It is represented by the figure below:

The water from oceans is firstly evaporated in gas form and enters into our atmosphere in form of a water vapor or commonly known as clouds. This gaseous form of water is fallen back towards earth in form of rain and snow. This liquid form of water flows back to the oceans. This movement of water from land to atmosphere and from atmosphere to land forms lakes, rivers, wet lands and ground water aquifers'

The process that causes transformation of water from liquid state to gas form is called evaporation. As per studies, 90% of humidity in atmosphere is provided by rivers, lakes and oceans via process of evaporation. The other 10% of humidity is caused by plant transpiration. Energy is utilized for breaking the molecular bond of water that result into evaporation process. The boiling point of water is 100 degree centigrade but the freezing process of water is slower comparatively. The process of freezing water is known as condensation. Sublimation refers to the process in which snow is transformed into water vapor without melting. This process is not visible to naked eye. The dry form of ice is comprised of carbon dioxide that changes into gas at - 78 degree centigrade. This process takes place in areas where there is lower humidity and winds are dry (USGS, n.d.).

The water table is referred to as a boundary in between saturate and unsaturated zone. This water is usually found on the upper surface of the ground water. The water available in the saturated zone is referred to as the ground water. This is the water that can be found in wells and springs and is also referred to subsurface water. A con of depression is in form of funnel shape at the aquifer's surface. This is caused by the movement of water from aquifer into well.

Answer No. 2

The food chain is referred to the process that describes who is eaten by whom and the flow of energy and matter via available links of the chain. For example, the carrot fly uses the carrot plant. This fly uses the molecules of the carrot plant to grow and foe the purpose of metabolism of fly's respiration system. The fly catcher eats carrot fly. The molecules of carrot fly are used for the growth of flycatcher and for the process of metabolism and respiration as well. The sparrow hawk eats ...
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