Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay

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Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay

Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay


Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley. It has been described as a romantic myth-making story. There are a number of people who have critically analyzed the story and have made sure that the different versions are compared so that a proper analysis and evaluation can be conducted. For the purpose of this paper, a critical analysis by William Christie will be evaluated that he has done on this book. William Christie is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney in the Department of English. He is an author of a number of other scholarly articles and most of them are on the literature related to the Romantic period.


The main aim of William in his critique is that the novel has spawned various aspects of literature. By this he means that the novel has been presented in a number of ways which is true as there are many editions of the book. This is why everyone has interpreted and understood the story in his or her own manner. According to him, Frankenstein has been a part of different other literatures of the Romantic period and there are various forms of historicism in a much more detailed manner. The period described and discussed in the story is different, which is why, the editions differ and so do the interpretations.

William Christie has included outside references to a great extent. He has cited the opinions of many other authors and has made sure that he puts his point across to the readers. For example, he has included the thoughts and opinion of Samuel Vasbinder regarding Frankenstein 'Mary Shelley based Victor Frankenstein's attempt to create a new species from dead organic matter through the use of chemistry and electricity on the most advanced scientific ...