Gender Specific Tasks

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Different Tasks of Males and Females

[Name of the Institute]Different Tasks of Males and Females


Men and women are different physiologically; this physiological difference results from the principles of humanity in social behavior that has evolved to the point today when things start to change gradually. However, there are certain roles and tasks which are linked to the gender of male or female.


At the beginning of humanity, women were meant to care for children and stay at the shelter, village, or similar, while the men went out to do hard tasks, such as hunting or fighting. This made the woman depends on man. Subsequently, the relationship between men and women evolved to result in a world dominated by men, which has been subjecting women to discriminatory attitudes, such as convenience or forced marriages, and sexual slavery. More violent, as the domestic abuse, which is the focus of this work (Reskin 2002, pp.218)?

Influence of Mass Media in the Development of Roles

The mass media are one of the most important areas in which they develop roles or social roles. Instances advertising long ascribed certain roles to social status, in gender. In the case, of women, the claim of erotic-sexual-aesthetic claim is more traditional, and it is rooted in the beginnings of advertising, which is induced after linking consumer expectations of satisfaction with sexual needs. This claim, the woman has no identity; just put your body and beauty in the service of the joys of men. It presents women as an object, an element that is part of the advertised product (Correll 2004, pp.93).


Studies find that widely held gender beliefs exist in the United States. In general, these beliefs hold that women are more communal. Accordingly, women are believed to be more competent at tasks that are characterized as more expressive and socio-emotional in nature (for example, nurturing and caring for others), while men are believed to be more competent at tasks that are more instrumental in nature (for example, starting a business).

Sex stereotypes are pervasive in that they are learned during childhood and maintained throughout the life course. From an early age, children learn that sex is a significant attribute of self and that being female is supposedly different from being male. Children often imitate behaviors of their same-sex parent, and parents may in turn encourage gender appropriate behaviors through endorsing gender hobbies. For example, cooking for girls and sports for boys, rewarding gender-typical acts (for example, girls behaving well and boys being assertive), and punishing or discouraging gender-atypical acts (for example, girls acting aggressively and boys playing with dolls) (Ku 2009, pp.1).

During childhood and adolescence, teachers and peers may help reinforce not only the notion that women and men are different but also the belief that men are more status worthy than women. Within the classroom, teachers may subconsciously pay more attention to boys, thereby creating a heightened sense of superiority and importance among the male students. Outside the classroom, peers may ostracize both girls who are tomboys and boys who ...
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