God & Time: By Gregory E. Ganssle Four View

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God & Time: by Gregory E. Ganssle Four View

God & Time: by Gregory E. Ganssle Four View


The following paper is based on the summary and the book assessment of God and Time by Gregory E. Ganssle and analyses the entire written piece of work in detail in two separate portions.


Throughout the centuries people have looked out for explanations behind God's existence and the link of His existence with time. According to the antiquity of philosophical theology, many scholars have researched upon the relationship between time and existence of God. And as they have found out, God is considered to be eternal. Eternal in the sense that God exists outside time frame. His existence has no link with time. He has been existing since there was nothing and He will continue to exist when there will be nothing. In short, God is everlasting. There was no beginning to His existence and neither will there be an end to His existence.

In the book God and Time by Gregory E. Ganssle and David Woodruff, the authors have taken into account some of the articles about God and time. These twelve essays were written by one of the most prominent philosophers of the time. The articles are unpublished and present views of scholars in this fascinating field. The book presents a discussion on various kinds of people, some who believe the existence of God is a temporal and others who consider it temporal. The ones who consider God to be a temporal believe that He experiences everything in an unchronological logical, that is, they are of the view that God can experience everything that is happening around the globe with everyone simultaneously. Whereas the other group believes that God experiences events as they happen in a sequential order, similar to how humans experience things.

The book highlights evidence that supports the notion of God's existence relevant to the nature of time, and other characteristics of God which back His compatibility with mode of being temporal. The book is divided into four sections. The first section is based on God's existence, the second focuses on the existence of God as a creator, third is based on His knowledge and last on His relation with the universe. Ganssle makes it evident that the temporality of God is one of the most crucial emphases for modern philosophical theology.

The book exhibits a broad spectrum of discussion regarding the issue of God and His relation to time. According to the articles published in the book, many authors believe that even though God has been existence ever since but still is ever lasting. That is He exists at each and every moment in time and will never stop existing. However a major part of belief on timeliness of God is based on what a person's beliefs are on the knowledge of God. In addition to this other metaphysical aspects also play a major role in defining whether god is temporal or timeless. The nature of origin of this ...
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