Green Computing Research Project

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Green Computing Research Project - Part 2

Green Computing Research Project - Part 2

Documentation of requirements based on the information provided and assumptions made

The initial requirement is to gather a team which will be working on this high-visibility project of green computing. The openings are required to be advertised inside the company as well as outside to find out the appropriate people for this job. Personal contacts are also required to be informed regarding this important project to get the right talent to work on it. Outside consultants and other resources will be used in accordance with the requirements (Schwalbe, 2012). A budget of $30,000 will be assigned to internal staffing. The rest of the total staffing budget will be assigned to external staffing. A series of research reports will be the main products that will be produced as an outcome of this project. Each report will be for one of the total green computing technologies that have been listed earlier which will be used in the project. Additionally, a final report will be produced which will include the entire data of the project. Besides that, formal proposals for projects will be produced for four recommendations at the least for the implementation of a few of these technologies.

The team will be required to put forward at least twenty project ideas of different nature (Khan, 2006). An extensive analysis will be required to be made in order to recommend the top 4 ideas out of the 20 suggested by the team. A decision support model will be used in collecting and analyzing the ideas of projects. Environmental Technologies Program will be required to be tapped in for finding the resources available in the program. However, a few of the resources will be required to be included in the project budget. In order ...
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