Green Criminology

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Green Criminology

Green Criminology



The world resources are becoming scarce with the increase population around the planet Earth. This scarcity has made the environmental activists to take prevention measures in order to avoid the tension in the future. There are many protest recorded in various part of the world to control carbon dioxide erosions, salivations, slaughter of animals and other factors making the environment polluted and contaminated.

The subject of environment is subject to great political importance. Some activists so activities show some stunts on media but green activist are very focused and concerned with issuing press releases, write letters, organize town Centre stalls, and attend public inquiry. All the green activities are aligned with the development of green culture environment. In this study we will research how environmentalists are taking actions violent and nonviolent actions and facing hurdled in the way of development of a safe and healthy planet.

Non-violent Direct Action

Non violent direct actions are initiated by the activists to address the social and political issues with peace and harmony to put drastic changes in the environment and protect it against all tha odds. Here we discuss some of the Non-violent Direct Actions.

Office occupation

This is a traditional way of protesting and it is performed by occupying some space in the office area to register the protest against the illegal use of certain machine harmful to the environment.

Share holder action

Another way to register the nonviolent protest is to buy shares of certain organizations, responsible for polluting the environment and then play decisive part in shaping the company policies.


There are certain lock-on equipment used to lock-on activists together to show strength and unity against a social cause, they are used in supermarkets, military bases and oil depot. They are used in blockades of gates roads and buildings.

Vehicle actions

They are usually taken against convoys carrying explosive material to which in turn destroys the environment. It requires lot of positive thinking and safety arrangements to take actions.


It is a easy and effective way of recording the protest against the cause. Banners get hung easily on roads, highways, polls, and get registered easily.

Ethical shoplifting

This involves removal of all those items from supermarkets which are harmful to the environment.

Sub advertising

This include possessing of space in the newspaper, magazines and other tabloids to make awareness campaign more effective and result oriented to seek the attention of people motivating them to think about the social causes.

Violent Direct Action

These are actions taken on forefront and involve the physical injuries in achieving their target. Taking direct actions require lot of planning. it involves a thorough planning and aligning of responsibility to different people in different capacity to work through. It includes the preparation of clear message to be conveyed to register the protest and get suitable response. In the process of preparation requires making of banners. Leaflet, research and proper briefing of the whole activity like informing different modes of media who may support the action. In taking the action an affinity group is made which is a small group ...