Health And Safety

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety


The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between two problems of a patient and the care planned to alleviate these problems. A further purpose is to develop an understanding of implementing a holistic approach to planning care and to evaluate its effectiveness. I shall justify the selection of problems, intervention the patient received, and relevant radiuology and radiography. The details for this assignment come from a recent clinical placement on a radiographical ward, which deals with radiography and surgery. The patient will be referred to as Gill to ensure Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) confidentiality guidelines are concurred (Everly, 1986,, 331).

Markers side(right-left)

Marker side (R-L) is extremely important in its reason as it is used to be demonstrated on the image clearly and correctly. Apart from that I have identified Markers side(right-left) as a nursing problem as Gill's diabetes was uncontrolled and potentially very dangerous. Gill was told that because of her diabetes, she should avoid eating sweets and cakes and advised about being educated on her diet as the British Diabetic Association (1992) recommends that patients should be seen by a dietician.

The diabetes specialist radiographer can also provide advice for managing diabetes in the clinical setting. She agreed to this and the necessary referrals where made. It was documented that Gill should be given a special diet menu card and should be encouraged to eat as she often did not eat regular meals. Gill was advised that her blood sugar glucose would be monitored four times daily before meals. A fluid balance and food chart were also commenced so that input could be monitored .

Mobility is defined as the ability to move about freely (Ismeurt et al 1991) It is vital for activities such as avoiding danger or finding food (Courtenay 2002.) Movement is also a basic human need. Maslow (1968) discusses human needs in his hierarchy of needs (Underwood 2003.) This hierarchy of needs progresses from survival needs such as food and shelter to psychological needs such as self-actualisation. To meet our needs we develop skills necessary to survive such as walking, dressing and eating. Mobility is therefore central to performing all aspects of daily living.

Gill was admitted after a series of falls which are common incidents among hospitalised patients . Falls are defined as an event which results in the patient or a body part of the patient coming to rest inadvertently on the ground (Kellogg International Work Group 1987). Therefore it was a priority to ensure a safe environment was maintained as nurses have a direct role in ensuring the implementation of safe care for their clients (Weaver and Hall 1998.) Also the NMC (2002) guidelines state you must work to promote health care environments that are conductive to safe practice (Ladou, 2006,, 15).

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