Health Promotion Through Sports

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Health Promotion through Sports

Health Promotion through Sports


The Ministry of Health in August 2001had already happened in other countries of Europe 's changing, reveals a change in perspective that puts the spotlight on the concept of health, to protect the health which is no longer the only tool to be used, nor the doctors as being responsible. The WHO insists that the physical, mental and social, depends not only on doctors, hospitals and drugs, but also and above all the factors that make up the physical and cultural environment. 


Health Promotion

The citizen, who was considered a passive recipient of care bestowed by the state (the so-called welfare state), is now called to play a more active role. The health promotion inevitably comes through the adoption of coordinated public policies, aiming to promote and develop goods, services and healthy environments, protect natural resources, to inform and associate the people, developing personal skills to enable them to increase control over the determinants of health (Heitzmann, 2003). A sensitive urban policy must include, in the planning of the city, including spaces for sport leisure and green areas, not as mere regulatory compliance. You can no longer conceive of a sports facility as a closed, it should be understood instead as a picnic area and porous, in which the individual plant is a part and a function that does not exhaust.

To achieve these objectives it is proposed the creation of public spaces with three specific areas: the expressive motor activities, physical activities for physical sports, physical activities for the mind and spirit. In the first place are buildings and spaces that encourage aggregation activities and entertainment: dance, gymnastics, twirling, martial arts, outdoor school activities, play activities area for children. 

In second place are outdoor spaces and routes drawn on the morphology of geophysics and botany of the area to recreational physical activities (tournaments), aerobic physical activities (jogging, running, fit walking, Nordic walking, cycling, canoeing, kayaking), exercise anaerobic, aerobic alternate (football, basketball, handball, badminton), motor skill activities (golf, bowling, archery, etc.), natural simple: fit running, trail running, orienteering. The third is the natural space accessible to the motor activity of mind to relax (chess, bridge), leisure activities (reading, painting, listening), activities of meditation (yoga, kata, concentration), gardening activities (if the garden, vegetables, flowers) or as complex as rock climbing, mountain biking, beach volleyball, street ball.

Evidence Based Medicine

"Evidence Based Medicine" confirms that the exercise program significantly improves the cost benefit ratio compared to a sedentary control group. The ability to practice in suitable environments is an emerging need for the citizen. Many physical activities and therapeutic maintenance may be prescribed by your doctor and practiced in self-management by the patient with periodic checks in the area of medicine clinics (Applegate, 2002). This would greatly reduce the use of healthcare resources and allow the patient to be at the forefront of the therapeutic program. In light of the specified physical activity customized and modified motor is the most effective support to achieve healing and reduce the effects on the organ. A motor treatment program must be designed and aimed at ...
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