Hiring Process Of Teachers

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Hiring Process of Teachers



Fitting, Hiring and New Teacher Satisfaction4

How Schools Organize Hiring5

Research Design6

Data Collection and Sampling Procedures7


Statistical Analyses8

Discussion of Findings9

Timing of Hiring Decisions11

Reported Accuracy of the School13

Reported Fit between Teaching Positions and New Teachers14

Hiring Teachers and Aids15

Challenges and Opportunities16

Discussion and Conclusion19



Hiring Process of Teachers


The issue regarding the quality of the teacher has risen again to the top list of the agenda regarding school reforming. By 2005-2006, the comprehensive regulations require all the qualified teachers that are the main concern under the NCLB - No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Due to which this directive requirement has created many challenges for the districts and schools at that time when many of the schools and districts were intending to hire around 2.2 million new teachers for a decade. The purpose of the NCLB Act is to raise the standards in terms of qualification for hiring new teachers (Ballou 1998). It is also important to consider whether the schools are capable to meet the practices of hiring effectively related to the positions of teachers. The end result of this analysis will be a crucial part that will indicates that no two schools and two positions of teachings are exactly alike. The knowledge and skills are needed for the purpose of effective teaching. The effectiveness of a new teacher in terms of working with her students is based on whether he has been hired for a job that indicates a good fit for him. There are certain factors that define some implications that are extracted from the teacher's satisfaction and his retention regarding the quality of fit between a new teacher and his position. If a position does not suit himself and the factors are not intending to contribute his interests, preparation, and preferences (regarding curricular approach, culture of school, grade level etc.), he will probably not to stay in the school for the long run (Ballou 1998). As a result, he will leave his position soon or the teaching profession due to poor fit of quality between a teacher and his position.

For complying with the law of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the following standard criteria based on qualifications should be approached by schools;

Main Subjects Include:

Elementary Education

Science (includes all areas)

Language Arts/ English


Foreign Language





Social Sciences



In past studies shows that there were several postings on the social media websites that are posted by the applicants regarding the process of the hiring process of teachers in the Philippine schools (Dillman 1991). It shows the ambiguity that is usually involved during the hiring or recruiting of new teachers. In the year of 2009, one of an individual has posted that politics is still there for the process of hiring that indicates “who has to be in place that whom you know”.

There is only a need of the college degree in case of the job vacancy related to kindergarten instead of hiring a teacher who is a holder of educational degree.Recent research shows that there are several factors (based on usual c vitae and ...
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