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History Term Paper: The Roman Republic & Julius Caesar

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History Term Paper: The Roman Republic & Julius Caesar

Overview ofThe Roman Republic

The Roman Republic refers to the era of ancient Roman civilization, when the local government of Rome operated as republic. The period begins with the defeat of the Roman monarchy that was replaced by the two consuls of the government, in about 508 BC. Constitutional complexities were developed on the basis of checks and balances and the separation of powers. No single individual, has the power to dominate his fellow citizens, as the public offices were limited to the period of one year.

The constitution of Roman Republic was evolved as a result of the struggle between the patrician, who belong the Roman aristocracy, and holds a their ancestry back to the ancient history of the Roman Kingdom, and the plebeians, who were far more in number, citizen commoners. The empire expands form central Italy to entire Italian isthmus. It moves on to the Iberian Peninsula, Northern region of Africa, Southern France and Greece, in the following century. The conquest moves on in acquiring the modern day France and most of the eastern regions, at the end of the 1st century BC. During this time, despite the Roman legal constraints, and domestic traditions against the individual acquisition of political powers, the politics of the Roman Empire was dominated by few of the Roman leaders, and their troubled coalition was interrupted by a series of civil wars.

The legislative and legal structure that were developed by Romans can still be found in Europe and the rest of the world, in international organizations and modern nation state. Having discussed the general architecture of the Roman Republic, we will now consider the influences of two of the greatest leaders in the history of Roman Empire, Gaius Marius and Julius Caesar, over the political and historical concerns of Rome. For this paper, I have selected Julius Caesar for his victories in the battle field and the art of military administration as a lead.Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was undoubtedly the most powerful and important figure in the history. He was one of the most incredible political and military leaders in the history of Rome. He was an orator, a historian, a statesman, a legislator, and an army general. It was his efforts and determination, led to the amendment of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.

Born to Gaius Caesar and Aurelia, the patrician family of 13 July in 100 BC, Julius Caesar was the descendant of Romulus, the first Roman king, and the goddess Venus. His ancestry goes back to be traced back to the Trojan Aeneas price. Caesar spent his childhood in a so-called lower classes of Rome. But, in later years, he was awarded the title of Dialis Flemings and was chosen to Jupiter, the High Priest. He married into a wealthy family. However, came the turning point in his life, when the war between Marius and Sulla caused him to give up his title as the high priest. His unexpected departure from the priesthood forced him to the Roman army of Marcus Minucius Thermus get found ...
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