Hiv And Aging

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HIV and Aging Community

HIV and Aging community

Even though education and safe sex practices get financial assistance and other support for numerous segments of the population in the United States, negative thoughts about aging and sex are still present (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2005). Few citizens of the U.S. consider that mature adults are not active sexually. Due to which, a number of clinicians remain unsuccessful in discussing sexuality with their clients falling in the uppermost age bracket (Kuehn, 2008). The lengthening of life expectancy of people living with HIV has meant that we are paying more and more attention to this issue, both in terms of health checks and treatment, which is the management of diseases associated with aging and those related to HIV infection. However, people that are HIV-infected have an increased risk for broken bones, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and various diseases. Emotional and cognitive aging are intertwined with HIV. Patients can often be forgetting things or feel the need of repeatedly thinking about the steps in order to fulfill a chore. One of the potential reasons is not having healthy sleep patterns. Depression and anxiety, in addition to diseases, would weaken the capability of sleeping in a sound manner. Tiredness, lack of cognitive stimulation and / or social may also contribute to the effect of HIV neuro-cognitive aging. Other factors, like using recreational drugs, smoking, consuming alcohol, gaining weight, an inactive lifestyle and genetics play a significant role in aging, both mentally and physically. These issues would even have the consequences on aging that gets accelerated and is experience by HIV infected patients. As recommend by the experts that improving the overall health of lifestyle, cognitive stimulation and social interaction to contest against the effects of aging, while scientists are searching for new methods to find a ...
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