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Homelessness is;a grim dilemma;in;US that requires extensive attention at state and at national level. Considerable measures;have been taken by government in past few decades to manage the homelessness;as striking increase has been;observed in the homelessness condition. Homelessness, gentrification, and the displacement of the municipal poor have become main issues in public policy debates over the last decade. Homelessness is a vital communal problem cynical to the role of state and their anxiety towards public benefits. It is often viewed as result of interwoven systemic and individual problems. Government bodies propose that the main cause of rising homelessness among its inhabitant is the increasing crack between income level and lodging costs (Switzer,1992).

The sense of the term "homeless" lies in the very etymology of the word. Homeless people; a social group in culture, characterized by lack of shelter, home. These are people who do not have either their own homes, or service housing or rented lodging or accommodation provided by family, friends and associates. However, the mere absence of a person permanent housing, does not make him homeless. E.g. the Roman are treated in society as a stray. Although these people often do not have permanent housing. The same can be said about the newcomers, whose professional skills are in demand in the market. In contrast to the category of homeless people, they belong to his community, which is their emotional support and allows them to feel popular. They "fit" into a system that detects and fixes them a certain social status (Quindlen,2010).

The lack of permanent housing becomes a critical factor in determining the homeless only when there is a socially acceptable role in any system of public employment, either in the family or the community. It is characterized by homelessness, and in this case, "life on the street" leads to irreversible consequences. Thus, a typical symptom of homeless people is to break the old kinship and friendship. This means that the homeless are not just a lack of housing, they are detached from their former primary social groups (family, friendships, community, professional societies), "drop out" of the conventional social hierarchies, losing their inherent characteristics and roles. The person who ends up outside of the primary social group and has no shelter, acquires specific features of behavior that is characteristic for the homeless, he perceives the norms and values ??adopted by this category of people who are different from the values ??that prevail in society (O'Flaherty,1996).

Thesis Statement

This research paper focuses on basically finding the causes and effects of homelessness and the legislative changes that are required for the bettre and efficient system of living in the United States. Being homeless has a lot of negative impacts on the person. He does not develop completely and is unable to do work or for making him responsible. There are many people, who are homeless, but according to her there are a number of people who still have the element of humanity present in them and they are helping others.

Research Aims and Objectives

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