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Acceptance of Homosexuality


This is a very sensitive topic about what different churches said about the acceptability of homosexuality. Diverse arguments exist as far as this topic is concerned. The arguments are present from both wings, one wing is supporting the idea of acceptability of homosexuality and the other wing is making argument s against the idea of homosexuality. To decide what the bible requires of us, we have to agree on how to read the bible. Popular assumptions about how to read the bible do not square with the contents of the bible itself (Saunders,Stanford,1992,books.google.com).

Homosexuality presents the church with a challenge. We are called to understand those who are often misunderstood and detested by society. We are called to speak the truth even if we may not be 'politically correct'. We are called to love, with all the cost involved in that. The church must become a place, where all those are seeking to find Christ can come and be touched by his spirit. An examination of the hermeneutical issues debated during the protestant reformation gives us a more solid foundation for reading the bible. Homosexuality is in effect, deciding about sin. Assessing how the bible defines sin shows us, that we should look for behavior that show a love of god and neighbor and understand that Limits on our passions are needed to stop abuse of the neighbor(Stuart ,1993books.google.com).


Now in this assignment, I would like to discuss the concept of homosexuality in different churches.

What the churches say about homosexuality?

The various Christian churches have sharply contrasting positions on the attitude on homosexuality and homosexuals. This can range from outright condemnation to the unconditional acceptance (Margaret, 1995, 3:315-31).

The Roman Catholic Church

Its position against gays and lesbians was reaffirmed during the summer of 2003 with the publication of a text of the Vatican on homosexual unions that it is useful to read the views of the Church on gay issue. In this paper, it opposes any legal recognition of homosexual couples. The Roman Catholic Church says welcome "homosexuals" but asks them to live in sexual abstinence because it condemns homosexual acts. It considers that the discrimination made against gays and lesbians is justified in some cases (e.g.| access to the priesthood, professional contact with children).

The Protestant churches

The Protestant churches of historical currents (e.g.|-reformed Church of France, Lutheran Church) show in general more open stance and accept the homosexual issue to debate. This does not imply, however (at least in France) to allow gays and lesbians "declared" to be pastors or bless same-sex unions, as decided by the Lutheran and Reformed churches from the broad debate which one can find details on " Church and Homosexuality ".

Most Protestant churches free, like evangelical or Pentecostal, strongly condemn homosexuality. They claim to be based on the Bible and they often read literally. Many of these churches support gays and lesbians within them that if they decide to repent and change their lifestyle (Webb, 1994, p 1-55).

The Anglican Church

The Anglican Church is sometimes classified as Protestant ...
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