How And Why Female Slavery Differed From Male Slavery In The American South

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How and Why Female Slavery Differed from Male Slavery in the American South

Thesis Statement

In American South, the slavery is continued to be prevailing. However, there are multiple differences between the slavery in males and females. The paper makes discussions on the reasons of differences between the slavery in males and females of American South.


In the American South, the slavery was very common phenomenon. Before the civil war, there were almost 4 million black slaves who were performing their duties in the American South. According to the different scholars, these slaves were not allowed to enjoy the expression of freedom. According to the law of that era, slaves were considered to be the personal property of the owners. The slave masters had the right to possess the complete authority over his slaves. The slavery terms and conditions and the treatments were not equal at that time, and there were many differences between the slavery of males and females in American South. Following are the few differences of slavery between male and female in Southern Asia and the reasons of these differences.

The one major difference was the price of the selling of male and female slaves. The cost of selling a male slave in American South was between $1000 to $2000. This was the cost of the mature male slave. However, the cost of the mature female slave for the purpose of selling her was just few hundred dollars. This was a huge difference between the cost of the male and female slaves. The main reason behind such difference in the cost of male and female slavery was the demand. The demand of the male slaves was very high and the male saves were considered to be the powerful slaves. However, the female slaves were just used for the household tasks and ...
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