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The hidden time capsule taken from the time of Renaissance and the Age of Baroque will try to find out about the things, how they were presented and used during these times. The hidden time capsule will take in to consideration the arts and architecture to find out about the happenings during these two time periods. The arts and architecture are a true reflection of the happenings during these periods as an artist's makes the picture or they are the reflection of the activities at that time in the society. Similarly the literature written is the reflection of the news, events and incidents in the society. Thus the hidden time capsule developed from the art and architecture during the times of Renaissance and Age of Baroque will help in analyzing these times periods.


In Europe the periods of Renaissance and Age of Baroque are termed as the periods of enlightenment and the continuation of the expansion of human awareness. The Age of Baroque was followed by Renaissance thus the revolutionary period stayed for a long period of time in Europe. These two ages played a vital role in educating and increasing the literacy of their people. Thus change occurred rapidly in the European region and people started to revolutionized. The era of Renaissance started during the era of 14th to 16th century which was the new beginning in the style of painting, sculpture and architecture after the end of Gothic era in Europe. Although the religious view in the world played a very important role in the lives of the Europeans and similarly the individual and humanities awareness was increasing as this period was termed as the rebirth era. In the era of renaissance scholars and artists tried to reinvestigate or revive the classical learning especially through their literature and art. The artists during the reign of Renaissance used the collection of books called Humanism in order to follow the artistic techniques that were defined in the books, manuscripts, objects and oil paints.

Most of the artistic work done during this era was related to religion and spiritual experiences of the artists. For example the famous paintings of Jan Van Eyck and Rogier Van der Weyden portrayed their religious interests on the canvas. Germany became the dominant center of paintings especially related to the Catholic Churches. The artistic work during the 16th century emphasized on the natural paintings, speaking about the ...
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