Hypothesis Testing

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Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing


A large-scale examination of the mental condition of military personnel, during and after their appointment to Afghanistan has proven thoughtful. In total, 746 US soldiers took part in the audit. The soldiers completed a questionnaire five times in total - for their appointment, during their time in Afghanistan and three times after their return to US.

In the case of soldiers in Afghanistan, we can expect well that it was their experience of war where it started PSTD. However, the situation is not so simple. We need to see the soldiers experience in a lifetime perspective (Bernstein, 1999). The study has provided new information because the review includes data on soldiers who are state of health of their departure, during their tour of duty and several times after their return. It shows that many of the soldiers had already experienced trauma before they went to Afghanistan, and that this has affected the way, they reacted during their appointment.


PTSD sufferers experience among other involuntary intrusive recollections of the characters. These were negative memories that force itself into consciousness, and they can be very disabling for the concerned individual. They can, for example, take the form of unpleasant showy-backs from the war, which can cause mood changes, and can lead some people to lose confidence in them to a greater or lesser extent, and to begin to live too much on their location. Our research into involuntary recall shows that this type of recollection and far occurs normally can help us to understand the dysfunctional involuntary erinringarna that occur in disorders like PTSD (Bernstein, 1999).

Experience of war does not cause negative effects totaling soldiers. The majority of military personnel are resistant and do not experience their battle-zone designation as a major problem. Soldiers can be grouped into three categories (Kocsis, 2006). ...
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