Identifying The Key Aspects And Impacts On Organisations And Staff On Restructuring As A Sample Of Organisational Change In A Housing Association

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Identifying The Key Aspects And Impacts On Organisations And Staff On Restructuring As A Sample Of Organisational Change In A Housing Association



First and foremost, I want to acknowledge my God who has helped and strengthened me throughout the course. I also want to say a big thank you to my Supervisor for her support and guidance throughout my course and particularly in the process of completing this dissertation. My regards and appreciation also extends to the manager at the Chosen Housing Association for being such a wonderful support. Lastly, to my children your support carried me through the course; you will always remain special in my life, I am happy to have you all.

Thank you all once again.


I adjudge that the entire content of this dissertation is entirely my own work; the content used in this dissertation has not been submitted before in any educational institution and represents my own opinion.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The main purpose of this report is to explore the impact of organisational re-structure within a housing association, and discuss the effect this process can have on the organisation and its staff. The worsening global financial situation has resulted in significant budget cuts for many local authorities, housing association and services, in an attempt to reign in public spending and reduce the UK's deficit. However, a number of the services that are affected by these budget cuts provide vital front-line services to members of the public who have great need of them. As such, it is important that these services find ways to maintain similar levels of provision on more restricted budgets. One way to ensure this is to restructure the organisation and 'cut out the fat', to ensure a lean, efficient operation (Faludi, 1986). However, it is recognised within the literature that organisational change can cause more problems than it solves when carried out improperly (March et al, 2000).

It is therefore important to find ways to implement organisational change within organisations so that these services can continue to exist despite reductions in available resources. Organisational change may be a response to when an organisation is not making enough profit, which is due to funding cuts by the Government, lack of business (capital) to cover overheads, or when the staffs is not delivering the services promptly.

My findings in the case study on housing association studies, have led me to the conclusion that organisational restructure is an important method of reviewing and balancing an organisation, and can promote learning and development. Moreover, the findings also have led to the observation that change in an organisation can improve productivity, organisational performance, and is a way of getting as much surplus through efficiency, as you can.






Background of the study1

Organization Background3

Problem Statement3

Identifying The Change4

What Drives Restructuring And Change5

Significance Of The Study6

Research Aims And Objectives6

Research Aims6

Research Objectives6

Research Question7

Rationale Of The Study8

Summary Of Thesis8



The Need for an Organisational Restructuring and Change10

The Impacts and the Consequences on the Organisation and the Staff14

Area of the Management Structure that Needs ...