Inter-Professional Team

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Discuss Your Professional Role in the Context of the Inter-Professional Team

Discuss Your Professional Role in the Context of the Inter-Professional Team


Define communication- what is it, types of communication?

Communication is the act of communicating, establishing a relationship with others, to convey something to someone, all the resources and technologies for the dissemination of a message to an audience more or less extensive and heterogeneous and action for someone, a company to inform and promote its activities to the public, to maintain its image, by any process media. Communication is the process by which to transmit information from one entity to another. Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents that share a common repertoire of signs and rules are semiotic common (Barnlund, 2008, p. 47-57). Traditionally, communication has been defined as "the exchange of feelings, opinions, or any other information by speech, writing or other signs." All forms of communication requires a sender , a message and a receiver for, but the receiver need not be present or aware of the communicative intent by the issuer for the act of communication takes place. In the communication process, information is included by the issuer in a package and forwarded to the receiver through the medium. Once received, the receiver decodes the message and provides an answer. The functioning of human societies is possible through communication. This is the exchange of messages between individuals. From a technical point of view means communicating the fact that a particular message originated at point A reaches another given point B, distant from the former in the space or time (Littlejohn, 2002, p. 21-25). Communication involves the transmission of certain information. Information and communication is a process, the items listed in it are:

Code. The code is a system of signs and rules for combining them, that it is both arbitrary and otherwise must be prearranged.

Canal. The communication process that uses the code requires a channel for transmitting signals. The channel would be the physical medium through which the communication is transmitted.

Example: The air in the case of voice and waves

The types of communication are: Verbal, nonverbal and graphic (Littlejohn, 2002, p. 21-25).

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication can be done in two ways: oral: through oral signs and words spoken or written, by means of graphic representation of signs. There are many forms of oral communication. The shouts, whistles, cries and laughter can express different mood and situations are one of the primary forms of communication. The most evolved form of oral communication is articulated language, structured sounds that result in syllables, words and sentences with which we communicate with others. Written forms of communication are also very varied and numerous (ideograms, hieroglyphs, alphabets, letters, graffiti, logos). From the primitive ideographic and hieroglyphic writing, so difficult to understand for us to phonetic syllabic and alphabetic, better known, is an important development. To correctly interpret written messages is necessary to know the code, which must be common to the sender and receiver of the message (Miller, 2005, ...
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