Irish Elderly Health Care

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Irish Elderly Health Care



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The Ireland is widely acknowledged to need elderly health care reform. More than 47 million people without insurance are considered unacceptable by most people. (Glied 2001, 965)Changes in the nature of the labor market have made employment-based health insurance less appropriate than it was when long-term employment with the same firm was usual. It provides job lock and reduces the competitiveness of Ireland firms. The proportion of the GDP devoted to elderly health care is much higher than in other countries without better elderly patient outcomes. A well-conceived reform plan could significantly lower elderly health care costs and provide much greater equity (access). However, technological advances in medical care and demographic trends will almost inevitably lead to a continued upward trend in the proportion of the budget devoted to medical care (Finkelstein 2007, 37). This is, however, not unique to the Ireland but is a problem facing all industrialized nations






Study Background1

The Problem1


Research Questions2

Significance of the Study3


Comparative Elderly health care Systems: Brief Overviews3


United Kingdom3


Public Elderly health care in the Developing World5

Leading Proposals for Reform in the Ireland5

Incremental Reforms6

Use of Information Technology to Provide Better Records6

Better Management of Care for Chronic Diseases7

Promoting Wellness7

Reforming the Tax Treatment of Employment-Based Health Insurance7

Broadening Insurance Coverage8

The Access Problem8


Research Design11



Study Background

Health economics is widely understood to encompass the study of the demand and supply for elderly medical services(physician services, services provided in hospitals and independent laboratories, pharmaceuticals, etc.) and for health insurance, as well as comparative studies of different health care systems. It also includes the study of the determinants of demand for health itself, global public health problems, and the nonmedical inputs into health, such as a decent living standard, education, physical and social environment, and personal lifestyle choices, to the extent that they are exogenous (e.g., independent of one's health status). Although the nonmedical factors are increasingly realized to be important in achieving a healthy community at an affordable level of expenditure, most courses in health economics are primarily concerned with the provision of medical care and with health insurance that primarily covers medical care. This chapter will adhere to that tradition since expenditure on medical care, insurance, and research represents such a high proportion of gross domestic product (GDP), especially in the Ireland, and a proportion that is increasing in all high-income industrialized nations. We also focus on medical care as an input into health because it provides no benefits other than its contribution to health, unlike diet, recreation, and ...
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