Jihadist Terrorist

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Jihadist Terrorist

Jihadist Terrorist Threat to America and American Interest


This assignment is going on to shed light on the violent jihadists, terrorists, and threat. In this way, it will discuss the radicalization process as well as the forces, which are involved to drive violent extremist activities. In this context, it will also have a look on the incident of the incident of the 9/1, which is considered as an activity of the domestic Jihadist terrorist. It is a fact that the incident of the 9/11 led the intelligence efforts and law enforcement to fight against the terrorism. On the other hand, this paper will also shed light on the efforts that are being done in order to build partnership and trust between the government agencies and the community groups. Therefore, the Jihadist terrorists are threat for the America as well as the interest of the America.


Violent Jihadists

People may turn out to be Jihadist terrorists through radicalizing. In this way, they tend to adopt violence as an approach. The word “Radicalization” conveys the meaning of acquiring the beliefs of the Jihadist or extremist. It is a fact that it is not necessary that the activity of the radicalizing is illegal. In this context, the “violent extremism” reveals the violent action, which has been taken on the basis of extremist or radical beliefs. On the other hand, a number of “violent extremism” is “Jihadist terrorist” or “violent Jihadist”, not necessarily all. This can be expressed in simple words that if an individual turns towards the violent method from the simple belief of the jihad, which is considered as an illegally pursuing the violent methods, the individual becomes a terrorist (Bergen et al, 2011). It is obvious that the groups of these individuals create Jihadist terrorism, which is threat to America and American interest. ...
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