Legal Advice-Verisign In Virginia

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Legal Advice-VeriSign in Virginia

Legal Advice-VeriSign in Virginia


Virginia is ranked as the best state for business as CNBC and among the best according to the publication Forbes and numerous other entities states classified according to the environment to conduct business. Virginia has a number of unique attributes. An example is its excellent location geographically in the middle of the Atlantic coast that gives access to markets unmatched. Also, within 1,000 km are more than 55% of the population and 52% of the manufacturing of the entire United States. Virginia is known as a pro- business because it has the lowest rates of taxes and social spending across the country. The company we have chosen to discuss in the paper is VeriSign, a communication and technology company with its headquarter based in Virginia.


VeriSign is a company that provides infrastructure services to telecommunications networks, including the Internet . Its main activity in terms of turnover is signing certificates. VeriSign enables users to identify contacts, thus limiting the possibilities of attacks such as “attack the middle man”.

In addition, VeriSign manages the databases that determine the interpretation of Internet addresses of the domains .comand .net. That is to say, when you are looking to join a server VeriSign will be more or less directly contacted to identify the IP address of the server you want to contact. In 2003, VeriSign has put in place a controversial that uses this privileged position. VeriSign managed the .org until 2003 but dropped to continue to manage .com is the largest domain. In 2011, his contract to manage .net was automatically renewed for 6 years.

In April 2012, VeriSign has partnered with Symantec to create the brand Norton ™ Secured. This logo will help to give users some assurance on the safety and reliability of websites consulted. VeriSign has implemented an IP address wildcard domains; 'Com and. Net'. This means in practice that there is more "unknown domain" means any area listed is not resolved as the server VeriSign.

At the web, any domain name misspelled so now leads the user to the VeriSign Site Finder (with cookie license (!), and advertisements) instead trigger the display of a page specific explanation to the browser. At emails, any domain name misspelled so now sends the email server VeriSign, without any indication of error cannot be transmitted to the user, and without that we know also that this they email VeriSign is in good relations with the U.S. government.

At the level of spam, it becomes unnecessary to test whether the sender domain is valid, since the DNS response is always positive. Today is a particularly black Internet. The only hope is that such madness causes outcry from the community as a whole (including Microsoft, because its own research domain name is rendered inoperative), and VeriSign should back off.

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