Legalizing Gay Marriage

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Legalizing Gay Marriage


The traditional family is the best place to raise children, and so the state must support it as a model to follow. Social research has long shown that the traditional family leads to better results in the education of children and gives them a special social good. In such families, sexual relations between husband and wife is so directed that it is a great benefit to members of the family and society in general. It also helps men to spend more responsible and productive lives. Traditional family prevents the male impulse to promiscuity and female self-centered man in constant search of higher status. It makes men and women, fathers, mothers, hold the potential parents together to raise the children they have given birth.

Studies show that a family structure produces better results in health, economic prosperity and well-being of men, women and children. It's no secret that the severance of family relations leads to disastrous consequences for all those involved with divorced parents. As a thesis, the discussion considers that gay marriage can be advantageous to society if the social infrastructure is willing to provide gay couples an accommodating environment.


Today there is a lot of divorce, the traditional family is falling apart, and therefore homosexual activists and some liberals argue that it did not meet expectations. They claim that for this reason the traditional family is not absolute, and therefore should be abolished (Ocobock). But this argument is based on a false premise. If people break the rules of the road because of their negligence, it does not automatically mean that these rules must be canceled. If students fail the exams because of their laziness, it does not mean that we should cancel the examination system. Divorces tend to occur just because one party or both parties, do not behave properly before or after marriage. The collapse of the traditional culture as a whole is doing great damage to the traditional family (Baunach). Increasing the number of cohabiting couples, radical feminism, indiscriminate sex, pornography, adultery, illegitimate birth rate contribute to the multiplication of the number of divorces among married couples.

As soon as society endorses and legitimizes a certain pattern of behavior, the future generation will inevitably take such behavior as acceptable (Stone & Ward). When homosexual unions are recognized as Braque, equivalent to traditional, it gives a signal to society and future generations, that the homosexual lifestyle is equal moral status with traditional marriage. If society is to fail to protect the definition of marriage as the voluntary union of one man and one woman, are excluded from the rest of the people themselves, and begins to change the definition to include other models of human relations, it allows other cultures and ideologies crush the meaning of marriage (Case & Stewart).

All citizens of different sexual orientation have the same rights as the general population of the country. The right to life, property, freedom of speech, education, citizenship, work and free choice of employment, peaceful assembly and association, recreation and ...
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