Limitations Of Female Genital Mutilation And Cutting Interventions And Possible Strategies To Address Them In Somalia Context

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Limitations of Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting Interventions and Possible Strategies to address them in Somalia Context



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This Study concludes that even though there have been a diversity of approaches and strategies to stop female genital mutilation including enacting laws, rights of human frameworks, in order to effect change in training health workers, social development approaches, and highlighting health risk factors. On the effectiveness of these advances there is a lack of systematic appraisals. Besides Somalia, the findings of this study are pertinent to all backgrounds where female genital mutilation is performed. For many cultures, including the Somalis, female genital mutilation, and cutting is practiced principally for the reason that it is a mechanism for reducing sexual feelings of a female (Okonofua, Larsen, Oronsaye, Snow & Slanger, 2002, pp. 1089).

Among the Somalis the female genital mutilation is a deeply rooted practice that is continuous without questioning about its origin, benefits, and purpose. To maintain this practice virginity, religious obligations and honor of the family are must for marriage. For infibulated genitalia, an aesthetic preference was also mentioned. In Somalia unlike numerous other communities, Female genital mutilation plays negative role as a ritual of passage. By underlying such motives the infibulation uses to implement the cultural values in females of sexual purity as characterized by monogamy during marriage, at marriage virginity, and an importance and emphasis on female modesty and pleasure of males during any sexual activity. It is known that the Islamic obligations are fulfilled by the sexually pure women and they are entitled for marriage and they also bring honor to their husband family as well as their own family (Adeyemo, 2003, pp. 50). Therefore this foundation reflects the patri lineal and patriarchal nature of the civilization of Somali, because the female genital mutilation reinforces and determines a woman's status in the society and this practice is supported strongly by women. By women and men, given the clear strength of feeling that female genital mutilation is an extremely significant module of their culture that they are not yet keen to discard, the hard work to support the change in behavior that cannot focus solely on education about rights and health alone. It is therefore essential to modify this hard work so the reasons that underlie the tradition ...
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