Lung Carcinoma

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Applications of DNA Arrays on Lung Carcinoma

Applications Of DNA Arrays On Lung Carcinoma


The use of DNA microarrays is experiencing continued growth particularly in the field of oncology for tumor typing based on their genetic profile. The use of microarrays as a diagnostic tool has the advantage of using assorted markers: several thousand genes can be screened simultaneously to provide a signature of the cell type studied. Considering that each tumor type has a unique genetic signature, this system allows to distinguish and classify virtually all tumor types. DNA chips can then compare the gene expression of two different cell types, to study the genes expressed in a large number of patients to observe the effect of a medication (for example, anti-cancer), look at the effect of treatment on gene expression, comparing healthy tissue against diseased tissue, treated against untreated etc.


The approach allows DNA chip in a single experiment that lasts about 2 days to have an estimate on the expression of over 30,000 genes. Lung cancer small cell (SCLC for short English Small Cell Lung Cancer), also called small cell lung carcinoma is one of the forms of cancer in the lung, normally classified as limited or extended (Kim, et. al., 2011). Studies have shown that usually this lung cancer has already spread at the time it is detected (although such propagation can not be seen in X-rays or other imaging tests), so that generally no SCLC can be cured only with surgery.

In limited stage, the treatment most commonly used is a combination of two or more drugs for chemotherapy. These would be cisplatin or carboplatin combined with etoposide, usually administered for approximately six months. Currently studies are underway to determine whether the addition of topotecan or paclitaxel improve survival (Seethala, Cieply, Barnes & Dacic, 2011). The radiation therapy is not performed in thoracic patients suffering from a disease severe pulmonary (besides cancer) or some other serious medical problems. Some time, if the SCLC is localized, the cancer is removed by surgery and then adjuvant chemotherapy is administered in combination (poliquimioterpia).

In the pioneering stage or disseminated the chemotherapy can treat the disease and let live longer and better for the patient (Van Gele, et. al., 2004). The probability of cancer is reduced with chemotherapy is approximately 70 to 80%. Again, carboplatin or cisplatin with etoposide are medications that are conventionally administered. However, eventually the cancer becomes resistant to treatment. Sometimes radiation is used to control the symptoms of growth within the lung or spread to the bones and brain. Sometimes preventive treated with radiation therapy in the brain.

The survival rate of a year for people with limited stage SCLC receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy (this is the most favorable group) is 60%. Within two years, the rate has declined to 30%, and 5 years decreased from 10 to 15%. Due to the lack of success, doctors are studying other ways to treat these cancers (Youngmi & Hyunju, 2011). Clinical trials of new chemotherapy drugs or other new treatments such as immunotherapy ...
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