Malcolm X Vs Martin Luther King

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Malcolm X Vs Martin Luther King


During the late 50's and 60's, racism was a fact patent within American society. America was filled with contempt and rejection of the black man, with such contempt and supports its ultimate expression in the racist organization the Ku Klux Klan. As a result, of racial segregation, the rights of people of colour were strong mind cut by some laws, forcing them to eat in different places, sit in seats, in public transport, and even being forbidden to enrol in individual universities. A clear example of this is the famous incident suffered by Rosa Parks in Alabama, when he refused to sit in the rightful place inside the bus (Andrew, Pp. 202).

Although slavery had been abolished almost a century ago, blacks were still being treating as an inferior species. The two speeches we have chosen to symbolize the struggle that took place during the 60 years to transform this situation, in favour of an egalitarian society. Were promulgated by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, leaders of this movement, despite having the aforementioned objectives, its methodology was radically different to get them. While King advocated non-violence and peaceful means, the attitude of Malcolm X was much more constitutive, making common trait aggressiveness. Both leaders used the speech as a means to propagate their ideology (Ayton, Pp. 45-57).

Malcolm X

1.Malcolm X wants to convey a message to the audience that the racial problem is not fixing over time, although presidents like Lincoln and Kennedy declared war front.

2.Malcolm X explains that there are many whites who have said throughout history that were to end the racial conflict, but the reality is that blacks are still suffering. Doubts about the ability of targets to solve the race problem, and suggests that perhaps, if not resolved, either because they simply do not want to solve.

3.The speech by Malcolm X may raise some reaction in the American black population, which can range from a peaceful awareness of their position to an aggressive and charge with racism against the white man, who will be seen as solely responsible for the situation that Blacks are a force to suffer.

Malcolm X was defined as the "angriest Black American" and he remains one of the most emblematic figures of the Black struggle against oppression and racism. He wrote his name in the pantheon of Muslim personalities of the century before. His selfless and uncompromising battle was marked by the seal of faith in God.

Martin Luther King

1.Martin Luther King focus on the African American Reverend and emphasized the need for blacks to stick together socially and economically for overcoming racism, and shows its position against the growing threats he was receiving from some sectors of American society.

2.Unlike Malcolm, King manages to convey at all times the idea that despite suffering casualties, non-violence will always be the only way to achieve the objectives pursued by it as the word of the Lord, both black as targets are brothers.

3.Based on his speech, many experts have come to the conclusion ...
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